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From CMD Desk

I take this opportunity to thank our valued clients, whose continued patronage and confidence in us inspires us to extend the best of services and enables us to provide value for their money since 15 years in construction of middle and high class villas and residential and individual bungalows.

This is a rare combination of multiple services under one roof. While we consult to projects with crores of rupees investment, we also happily serve high and middle class salaried public from small and medium enterprises in their start-up efforts.

We are a professionally managed internationally reputed Global company.Our young team of 50+ professionals works round the clock to deliver result-oriented Quality services to 2000+ customers.

Indaus Group corporate management solutions vertical with various business heads, is a Leading and reputed company in India and abroad at large. Our unique group approach truly blends the modern western management with the ancient Indian wisdom. Our corporate group programs provide holistic Management solutions to the entire platform as well as industries & corporate sectors too. Our vision is to develop the society to the next level as the company will provide multiple sector growth opportunities.

  • “ Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of positive attitude, ethics & value. ”
  • – DR. BALA JAGAN DORAI PhD(Construction & Business Management)

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